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ИХ мнения о НАШЕМ Холмсе (продолжение)

Sascha: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079902/ The best Sherlock Holmes movie ever made, 16 October 2004 Author: rainfall When you visit museum of Sherlock Holmes in London, Baker St., first thing that you see on the second floor is a number of pictures of all actors who ever played Holmes in the movies, and in the middle of that compilation you can see the biggest photo - the photo of Vasiliy Livanov. All world cinematographers (including British ones) have admitted that Vasiliy Livanov is the best Sherlock Holmes that ever appeared on screen. And it is true. There were made several movies about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson for Russian TV in the late 70-ies and early 80-ies, including such films as The Meeting, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Bloody Script and many more (about 10 total number). Livanov as Sherlock, Vitaliy Solomin as Watson, Rina Zelenaya as Mrs.Hudson, Borislav Brondukov as Inspector Lestrade all make these series directed by Igor Maslennikov an all-time masterpiece. Almost all of actors started their careers in theaters (Livanov, Solomin and Zelenaya continued giving performances even after their success on the big screen) which gave films amazing atmosphere of reality. The images of old London were carefully reconstructed in Baltic cities almost untouched by time which gave movies a lot of similarities with real XIX century London. All movies (it wouldn't be right to call them episodes) are set on very high level, and from the opening unforgettable music score they charm every viewer. It's very hard to distinguish the best film of the series, every of them has something unique. The Hound of the Baskervilles for example has the greatest number of participating celebrities, including Nikita Mikhalkov (internationally known for directing and playing in such movies like An Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano, The Barber of Siberia, Oscar-winning Burnt by the Sun etc.), Oleg Yankovskiy (Nostalgia by Tarkovskiy), Evgeniy Steblov and many more. This set of movies is a must-see for everyone whether you've read the book or not. It's rather difficult to find these movies with English subtitles but they exist and trust me, they worth searching for them. 10 out of 10 for all films. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0001WHYOC/002-8324332-0750448?v=glance&n=130 Surpasses any Holmes series made in the West, September 14, 2005 Reviewer: horatia nelson (UK) - See all my reviews This DVD is fantastic. The scripts are brilliantly written and faithful to the books but with added touches of the scriptwriter's own, all of which work wonderfully. The cast are excellent and Livanov makes a wonderful Holmes, playing him with just the right balance of humanity and arrogance. However, it is the casting of Watson which means this series stands out from the many others made. He's young! He's intelligent! He has depth! And, good heavens, Holmes treats him as an equal. The chemistry between Vasily Livanov and the late Vitaly Solomin is amazing and brings the sense of fun and friendship in the books to the small screen, especially as Livanov's Holmes teases Watson quite frequently. The sets and locations make a remarkably convincing Victorian England and it is obvious that the series has been very well researched. Holmes even writes his farewell note to Watson in English. Talk about attention to detail - the great detective would be impressed! The Reichenbach sequence and Holmes's return are very moving and illustrate the care with which this series was made. An absolutely brilliant series, even if you don't speak Russian. Sherlock Holmes from Russia..., July 2, 2004 Reviewer: Peter (Vladivostok, Russia) - See all my reviews Once the Englsh prime minister Margareth Tatcher said, that russian Sherlock Holmes was the best one... She was speaking about classical russian tv miniseries "The adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" or "Priklyuchenia Sherloka Kholmsa I Doctora Watsona". It contained 5 sets of two or three episodes each. The third set "Hound of Baskervilles" was aknowledged to be the best version of Conan Doyle's stories. That is true! You know why? The atmosphere of Victorian England is just magnificent, i can say the same thing about the atmosphere of a classical detective. These tv versions are almost perfect, especially we can say this about the original score and cast. Once you see Vasiliy Livanov acting and you'll never imagine any other actor playing this part. This disc represents the second set "The King of Blackmail" and it contains three wonderfull episodes telling us a story of professor's Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes duel. If you are a real SH fan you have to see this movie: it would be a real SH pearl in your collection.

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Pinguin: Беня не играл в фильме про Холмса в 30-е годы прошлого века.

Alexander Orlov: Всё остальное сходится, а 30-е могли быть перепутаны с 90-ми. Почему-то по имени она его не называет.

Pinguin: Alexander Orlov пишет: а 30-е могли быть перепутаны с 90-ми ...а 90-е могли быть перепутаны с нулевыми. И так далее.

Ashka: Алек-Morse Особенно умилило, что автор написал: "Виталий Мифодьевич Соломин", с отчеством. Исключительно по-русски

Алек-Morse: Ashka пишет: Особенно умилило, что автор написал: "Виталий Мифодьевич Соломин", с отчеством. Исключительно по-русски Он и Ливанова так написал, просто я волюнтаристки сократил этот абзац - там был краткий пересказ биографии и немного фильмографии.

Alexander Orlov: http://fiercest.ru/lection/s-r-ableev-s-i-kuz-minskaya/ http://today.viaduk.net/tv.nsf/Print/9656cc3068775b6dc2256e15004492c9 http://www.newsinfo.ru/articles/2005-07-21/item/528919/ Интересный набор: похвалы Брондукову и Зеленой, критика в адрес Ливанова, упоминания Ерофеева и Соломина.

Михаил Гуревич: Alexander Orlov пишет: упоминания Ерофеева Виктора или Венички? Безупречной считается стилизация фильма Масленникова под викторианскую эпоху, хотя в картине нет ни одного кадра, отснятого в Англии А вот и есть!

Alexander Orlov: Михаил Гуревич пишет: Виктора или Венички? Почему же эта фамилия пришла мне в голову (пальцы) вместо Евграфова?

Alexander Orlov: Хотя и отечественный источник, но под тему подходит. Смотрю "Покровские ворота". Там по телевизору показывают "Убийство на улице Данте", и слышу диалог: "Ну, что там происходит?" - "Наши играют французскую жизнь..." Сколько всего всколыхнулось...

Pinguin: Alexander Orlov пишет: но под тему подходит Не уверен.

Рени Алдер: Pinguin пишет: Не уверен. А Вы замените "их" на "наши", "мнения" на "высказывания", а "Холмса" на "Убийство на улице Данте" - и всё получится!

Алек-Morse: Сам себя не похвалишь... - никто тебя не перепостит. Блог киностудии "Ленфильм" перепостил мой перевод рецензии Дэвида Томпсона: http://www.lenfilm.ru/blog/anglijskij-kritik-o-lenfilmovskom-holmse/

Atlas: Томпсон-Томпсон, знакомая фамилия,.. не родственник Джун Т.?

Ashka: Алек-Morse пишет: мой перевод рецензии Дэвида Томпсона Аки бальзам на холмсомольское сердце

Alexander Orlov: https://www.facebook.com/ray.wilcockson Совсем свежие (15 января в 8:53) размышлизмы знатного психа по имени Ray Wilcockson: Brett. Livanov. The decades pass. How long before a new period Holmes that does as much justice to Doyle's canon? Бретт. Ливанов. Проходят десятилетия. Сколько еще ждать, пока не появится новый исторически верный Холмс, который будет соответствовать канону Дойла в такой же степени?

Alexander Orlov: http://rbth.com/multimedia/video/2015/02/24/cinematryoshka_russian_face_of_sherlock_holmes_43953.html (проект "Российской газеты" под названием "Россия не по газетам" ("Russia beyond the headlines")) Cinematryoshka: The Russian face of Sherlock Holmes Кинематрёшка: русское лицо ШХ Упоминаются не только ПШХДВ, но и "Мой любимый детектив", "Черные человечки" и недавний ШХ Кавуна. Последняя фраза (переводить не буду): "The Soviet Sherlock Holmes portrayed by Livanov is not inferior to the British detectives as played by Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Downey Jr." http://rbth.com/arts/2014/03/28/four_soviet_films_in_a_british_boat_35445.html Четыре русских фильма в британской лодке ПШХДВ, "Трое в лодке", "Мэри Поппинс" и "Десять негритят".

Алек-Morse: Alexander Orlov пишет: Кинематрёшка: русское лицо ШХ И это лицо почему-то растянуто во всю ширь экрана.

Alexander Orlov: http://www.sherlock-holmes.org.uk/pdf/DM181.PDF 1 августа 1998 года Как видеокассеты ПШХДВ (без субтитров) попали на Запад и сколько это Западу стоило Michael Ross (Postfach 83 01 25, D-51034 Köln, Germany; email Baskerville-Buecher@bigfoot.de) tells me that the Russian TV series starring Vassily Livanov as Sherlock Holmes has been issued on VHS PAL video, and can be had from Baskerville Bücher at DM 49.90 each or DM 220 for all five. Postage is extra: DM 12 for 1 - 7 tapes, DM 24 for 8 or more. Payment by euro cheque or cash, and allow up to ten weeks for delivery since the tapes are imported from Russia. The content is: 1. STUD + SPEC; 2. FINA + EMPT +CHAS; 3. HOUN (in 2 parts); 4. SIGN (in 2 parts, with elements of SCAN); 5. The 20th Century Begins (2 parts based on ENGR, SECO, LAST + BRUC). The recordings are in Russian, with no subtitles.

Alexander Orlov: http://www.sherlock-holmes.org.uk/conan-doyle/television/the-russian-tv-films/ Charles Prepolec отмечает следующее: Знакомство показано Бокс Долго снималось развитие отношений между ШХ и ДВ Что это за фото в комнате Холмса: галерея уродов или образцы для его макияжа? Прекрасно-готически снятые воспоминания Хелен Стонер Когда Джулия полумертвая падает в руки сестры - тоже сильно В квартире на Бейкер-стрит слишком темно Review: "…it was fascinating to see the introduction of Holmes to Watson dramatized for the first time since the Ronald Howard series of the early 1950s. There is a very natural interaction between the two leads.. Seeing Holmes and Watson involved in a sparring match at Baker Street was, I must admit, something of a surprise. I was also taken aback to see just how much time was committed to the whole introductory piece of establishing the relationship between the two. "An interesting scene occurs with Watson looking into Holmes bedroom or dressing room. The camera drifts down over a number of pictures of grotesques, that included amongst them Lon Chaney in full Phantom make-up as well as a shot of Fredrick March as Hyde. What I couldn't figure out is whether these were a sort of Rogues Gallery or simply reference photo's for Holmes disguise make-ups. Either way I found it highly amusing! "The flashback as Helen Stoner relates her story is very effective and conjures up a darkly gothic and chilling atmosphere. The sequence where Julia came to her door, half dead, and fell into her sister's arms was incredibly strong. My only real complaint is the murky lighting that is used in most interior shots. The Baker Street rooms have never looked quite so gloomy, otherwise, I loved every moment of it!" - Charles Prepolec

maut: Alexander Orlov Это все я еще до того как этот форум появился видел. Вы действительно думаете что кому-то это все еще интересно?

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