Форум » Холмсо-Культура » Русский вклад во всемирную библиографию стилизаций (пастишей, pastiches) про Холмса » Ответить

Русский вклад во всемирную библиографию стилизаций (пастишей, pastiches) про Холмса

Alexander Orlov: Я получил письмо от человека, который создал (и продолжает создавать) библиографию стилизаций (пастишей, pastiches) про Холмса (см. ниже). Не поможет ли кто-нибудь внести соответствующий русский вклад? Он очень прочувствованно пишет про всемирно-историческое значение своей базы данных и про то, что все прогрессивное человечество должно узнать русское творчество, идущее аж от царских времен. А у меня нет времени и сил на это... Спасибо от лица прогрессивного человечества! On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 8:21 PM, Philip K. Jones <pkenj@wowway.com> wrote: My acquaintance with Russian, both the Language and the Sscript, is limited to my two years of High School instruction in Greek, many, many years ago. With some difficulty, I can 'sound out' phrases written in the Greek alphabet. I can even recognize an occasional word or phrase, but my instruction was limited to Classical Greek, so I run into severe problems with modern Greek usage. Russian Script is a hopeless task for me. I suggest that you take a look at one of the sites that display my database to see what information I try to capture and present. Please pay especial attention to the many Japanese entries in the database. They show how I wish to present information on items not available in English translations. Please notice that these include original language information along with English translations. I need a lot of help to put entries together, limited as I am by my own Language deficiencies. My database, along with supporting documentation is available at three different sites as follows: http://www.sherlocktron.com/ http://www.sherlock-holmes.es/database.php http://www.ash-tree.bc.ca/Sherlock.htm Please take a look and see what I have done and am trying to do to expand this into a truly International resource. This is not a simple task and the work needed to add in available Russian items may well require co-operation by several persons knowledgeable in both Russian and English. I am hoping that you can recruit a team to pass this data along to me so that the rest of the world can become aware of the very large Russian contribution to this Literature, which goes back into Czarist times. Since English has become a truly international language in the last sixty years or so, it is a natural choice for the common Language of the database. English is, perhaps, the most common single choice for a 'second language' in the world. Before WW-II, French was the most popular such language, but the End of The Raj in India and the expansion of American political and economic influence has blown the use of English all out of proportion to the past. After you look at one or more of the sites (I recommend Sherlocktron), please let me know your thought in the matter. Sincerely: Phil Philip K. Jones pkenj@wowway.com An Ill-dressed Vagabond ----- Original Message ----- From: Alexander Orlov To: Philip K. Jones Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 10:29 AM Subject: Russian pastiches You can find some Russian pastiches at http://www.sbnet.ru/books/eng/Doyle/index_da.ru.html

Ответов - 10

ArKan: А про экранизации его интересует?

Алек-Morse: http://www.ash-tree.bc.ca/Sherlock.htm Окинул взором сводную таблицу пастишей и прочих фанфиков - и стало страшно. Вдруг кто-то решит всё это прочитать. Alexander Orlov пишет: http://www.sbnet.ru/books/eng/Doyle/index_da.ru.html Кстати, можно заглянуть в сборник "Приключения Великого Детектива Шерлока Холмса", составленный в 1991 году Александром Шабуровым и Вячеславом Курицыным (Уральское Холмсианское общество). Там немало интересного.

Alexander Orlov: Напишите ему. По-моему, тоже интересует.

laapooder: Написал. И даже библиографию на букву Ты выслал. Будемо подождать. Единтвенно, что мне не нравится - в библиографию включаются книги типа "Буря в летнюю ночь Андерсена", где Холмс упомянут в предпоследнем абзаце: Этим вечером тут собралось много гостей; одни сидели у очага, другие наслаждались отличной сдой и напитками, щедро потчуя Трактирщика своими рассказами. Валерия Матучек устроилась возле бара с кружкой в руке; отсюда ей хорошо было видно всех. Кое-кого она узнала: монаха в коричневой рясе, у ног которого лежал волк; жутко пьяного китайца из далекого прошлого, чья кисть легко бежала по бумаге, записывая стихи; тощего парня с лирой в руке; крупного добродушного блондина в высоких сапогах и сером кожаном костюме, с драгоценным браслетом на запястье; поджарого викторианца с трубкой и его хромого приятеля; веснушчатого глазастого мальчишку и негра в потрепанной крестьянской одежде… но остальные были ей незнакомы. А кое-кто из гостей вообще имел нечеловеческий облик. Думаю и фентезюшки про мага-детектива с толстым клириком включены... В целом - есть чего повыкидывать :) Алек-Morse пишет: Там немало интересного. По заявленной теме как раз мало. Действительно редкое: В. П. - Шерлок Холмс. Моя встреча и знакомство сщ знаменитым английским сыщиком, с.96-117 Андрей Левкин - Август, тридцать первое, с.282-289 Сергей Соломин - Конец Шерлока Холмса, с.300-305 Р. Волженин - Пропавшая кухарка. Новейшее прикл. Шерлока Холмса (Из восп. д-ра Ватсона) с.306-309 Поражение Шерлока Холмса. (Со слов д-ра Ватсона записал М. Семёнов) с.310-313 Владимир Поляков - Шерлок Холмс-69. Детективная пьеса в одном действии, с.314-321 П.Г. Давыдов, А.Е. Кирюнин - Этюд о крысином смехе, с.322-379 Вячеслав Курицын - Убийство на Кукуц-Мукуц-стрит, с.380-401 Владимир Петрин - Гуд бай, Британия! с.402-406 Касимов Антон - Шерлах хомс и доктар Вацен, с.408-413 Дима Месяц - Записки о Шерлоке Функсе. ТРУБА или ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ ФОНТОМАСА. Докум.-прикл. повесть-роман, с.414-421

Alexander Orlov: Прошел почти год, и Филипп Джонс снова разыскал меня и снова обратился с просьбой, чтобы кто-нибудь (или коллектив) помог ему охватить русские холмсофанфики для его всемирной библиографии. Теперь он уже явно пишет, что телепостановки, кино, пьесы, оперы и балеты его тоже интересуют. Пишет, что знания английского не нужно, необходимо только критическое восприятие и желание работать. My dear sir: I have noticed your increasing involvement in Sherlockian discussions and activities over the last year and have been wondering if you could help me with my own Sherlockian project. I have created and I maintain the Database of Sherlockian Pastiches, Parodies and Related Fiction. At present, the database lists more than 10,700 items. Mostly, these items are fiction. Hundreds of authors have attempted to write a new Sherlockian tale. Many of these are presented as belated appearances of Watson's write-up of one or more of the Untold Tales. In order to identify such items, I undertook to present a comprehensive list of all such tales and that was published in The Baker Street Journal in 2011. I keep adjusting the article as new data comes to light and I am enclosing the latest version of that article for your perusal. In any case, my database is made available, free of charge, to all interested scholars at three web sites. I only require that any publications that use data from the database officially designate it as a source. I believe it to be the largest such collection of information available anywhere. There have been at least two books written and published on this subject and I have copies of both. Further, De Waal's "Universal Sherlock Holmes" attempted to give a summary of both fictional and factual items concerning Sherlock Holmes. It is sadly out of-date now, but it is an excellent source for any Sherlockian scholar. My database includes thousands of items not mentioned in De Waal as well as most of those fictional items he lists. My problem is that there are thousands of items of Sherlockian fiction published in languages other than English. I have tried to include as many such items as I can, but my language skills, where they exist at all, are more than fifty years old. I know enough about five languages to understand the difficulties involved in translation but not enough to read or review any new items of fiction. I have had some success with Japanese fiction due to the efforts of Yuichi Hirayama, the publisher of my first article in his "Shoso-in Bulletin." Yuichi was good enough to send me a list of Japanese-published Sherlockian fiction including the standard data that I present in my database. It took us several tries, but he was able to present all of the data I feel is needed to make complete entries in the database. In each of eleven categories, he supplied me with the Japanese character version of the data as well as an English-Language translation. In some cases, he also supplied the Japanese data in Romaji (roman script) characters. I have several other correspondents lined up, but none have actually supplied me with data at this point. I really need a Russian correspondent to cover the hundreds of Items available in the Russian Language. I am aware that this literature began before the First World War, due to the incredible inefficiency of the Czarist Bureaucracy in approving translation of Doyle's works into Russian. It seems that most of the "Intelligencia" fed their Sherlockian hunger on pirated French translations, while actual Russian versions needed a new Government and a decade to be produced. In the meantime, a large underground "gutter press" supplied Russian fiction using the name and, perhaps, the character. Post USSR, I understand there has been another "bloom" of Russian Sherlockian fiction and I have no access to include even basic information in my database. This may not be a suitable task for you or you may not have the time that needs to be spent. In either case, I hope you will take the time needed to introduce me to someone who could help with this process. I would imagine that there are any number of Literary groups who may be able and willing to help me. The process has several parts, quite easily assignable to different persons. The biggest task is to identify all of the appropriate items: stories, anthologies, magazines, TV Series, Plays, Movies, even Ballets (There is a full Tap Dance Ballet version of The Hound of the Baskervilles that was first presented in Toronto, Canada). This may be done by persons with no English skills at all, only a critical sense and willingness to work. The next task is to translate all appropriate items into English along with attaching the appropriate Cyrillic versions; mostly Titles, Authors and Editors. The final task is actually sending me the data then looking at the database entries I produce to clear up my stupid errors. It really seems to me that this would be a task that some set of Russian "Baker Street Irregular" types might undertake as a team effort along with periodic efforts to 'keep it up-to-date.' It is simply not going to happen otherwise unless some Russian decides to produce their own "Database of Russian Sherlockian … etc." Sincerely: Philip K. Jones An Ill-dressed Vagabond pkenj@wowway.com

Alexander Orlov: ​​Филип Джонс прекращает вести международную базу данных по фанфикам. Жалуется на софт Subject:​ Pastiches and "The Hound of the Baskervilles From:​ Philip & Phylis ​​Jones <philnphyl@WIDEOPENWEST.COM> Reply-To:​ Discussion of Sherlock Holmes Literature <HOUNDS-L@LISTSERV.KENT.EDU> Date:​ Sat, 10 Jan 2015 12:33:58 -0500 My fellow Hounds: I am sorry to say that this week I made yet another attempt (my third I three months) to produce a list of pastiches involving elements of the current week's subject tale. This week was a lot of work as there are more than two hundred items listed in the database that include elements of HOUN. As has happened every time I have tried to send such a list off since I replaced my old computer, the idiotic new software included with purchase of Windows 7 has managed to erase the entire list as I tried to send it. I CANNOT recover it and I refuse to attempt the work needed to recreate it. I also wish to pass along the word that I shall be discontinuing management of the database of Sherlockian Pastiches, Parodies and Related Fiction at the end of February. I created the database about ten years ago and I have maintained it all that time as it has grown from about 2,700 items to almost 11,000 entries. I am no longer able to put in the almost twenty hours per week required to scan all the data sources and to deal with the software monstrosities perpetrated upon us by IBM and Microsoft. EXCEL has a habit of scrambling lines of data as I save the database onto to Disk and it persists in doing this in violation of all its own advertising and manuals. No doubt there is a footnote somewhere in the NO-LONGER PRINTED MANUAL that explains exactly why this is sensible and logical, but I have not been able to find it. I have only about forty-five years experience with computer software and have only worked with spreadsheets since about 1980, so I am OBVIOUSLY not qualified to criticize their products. Thank you for putting up with my rantings: Submitted respectfully: Philip K. Jones An Ill-dressed Vagabond pkenj@wowway.com

laapooder: Бывает. Я тоже пытался библиографию на акцессе делать. (Благо опыт работы есть.) так эта зараза не умеет работать с картинками. Совсем. Ибо воспринимание только бмп при одновременном неумении держать базу более гига... Так что теперь библиография спокойно живёт в ворде.

Pinguin: Я с Access не работаю уже лет 15, но что-то не верится, что эта проблема там не решаема. Софтина и тогда была довольно продвинутая. Должен бы уже поддерживаться JPEG. А кроме того, в записях наверняка можно использовать ссылки на файлы и директории.

laapooder: Неа. Тупо не поддерживается. А ссылки в записях - это уже камлание. Пробовал. Для бмп ж его не надо? Так зачем для жпг? Плюнул и забыл.

Alexander Orlov: Они там ищут 'a pup' (потому что Hounds), чтобы не потерять нажитое непосильным трудом Филипа Джонса

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