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Anecdotes in English

LaBishop: - Watson, do you like anecdotes? - Well... - There's one... Good Morning, Inspector! Sam _______ "It's my neighbour VonBork; he think's he's buying honey from the apiary and he's using counterfeit money." "I don't understand, Holmes; counterfeit money?" "Oh, Watson, do you think I'm an idiot? He's buying fake honey with fake money!" Sam

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LaBishop: - Watson, where did you get so loaded? - Holmes! I... Me.. Hic! My wife fooled me around!!! - Well, - Holmes thought sadly, - Home life influences logic so badly. I asked WHERE but not WHY. Sam

maut: LaBishop пишет: - Watson, where did you get so loaded? - Holmes! I... Me.. Hic! My wife fooled me around!!! - Well, - Holmes thought sadly, - Home life influences logic so badly. I asked WHERE but not WHY. Я предложу свой перевод - Watson, where did you get so tipsy? - Holmes! I... Me.. Hic! My wife've fooled me around!!! - Now I see, - Holmes thought sadly,- that family life influences logical thinking negativly. I' ve asked WHERE , not WHY.

Алек-Morse: Ну раз пошла такая пьянка, постю другие свои переводы SAMовских анекдотов: кстати, большинство из них было прочитано носителями языка, одобрено и поправлено “Well, Watson, and where did your Copernicus live?” “In Poland” “Seems, Irene Adler too lived in Poland” “Aha! She sang in Warsaw’s Opera House” “Hmm… Well, Watson, so let’s assume that your Copernicus is right…” ----------------------------------------------- "Mr. Holmes, your skull could be a treasure of any Museum of Antropology". "May be, Dr. Mortimer, - said Mycroft, taking off the gas-mask". ----------------------------------------------- Sherlock Holmes is experimenting on the rats. “Holmes, why does Stamford dislike you?” “Why do you think so, Watson?” “Just he said of you… well… instance, that you just may to prick to your friend some unexplored Alkaloid to trace the consequences of it”. “By the way, it’s good idea!” ----------------------------------------------- Here is the council of the producers with censors. “No, no, no! Your film will be banned!” “Why?” “Seems, Sherlock Holmes is a positive man, a good chap, but he exploits kids’ labour! And he refused to give a cigar as the pay for labour to the Baker Street Irregulars. I may say more: he did it in cynic form!” The censor himself has cut short the death silence: “Aha! Frightened?! Don’t worry. It’s joke”. ----------------------------------------------- Here is Holmes’s apiary. “Holmes, explain me, please. Why have you, being the detective and chemic, become as professional bee-keeper?” “No, Watson, I’m just amateur. The professional bee-keepers get not only a honey, but wax, propolis, perga etc… even a poison!” “But do you get only a honey?” “Only poison…” ----------------------------------------------- Professor Moriarty has come to Dr. Mortimer. Mortimer is making the examination of new patient: “Wow! Your skull, Professor, could be a treasure for any Museum of Anthropology”. Moriarty is puzzled. Here is Sherlock Holmes’s voice from the flue: “Don’t worry, Professor, he usually says it to everyone”. ----------------------------------------------- “You see it, Watson?” he yelled. “You see it?” “A snake? Many times…In Afghanistan…” ---------------------------------------------- А вот - другие анекдоты, в том числе не Сэма: Holmes and Watson had spent the night in the middle of Devonshire moors. Woken up at midnight, Watson looks at the starry sky and asks to Holmes: “Holmes! About what do you think, when you look those stars?” “Elementary, Watson! I think that our tent has been stolen!” ----------- Surprised Mrs. Hudson lay the table and asks to Watson: “Doctor, did you really not drown self in the toilet bowl tonight?” “What ever gave you that idea?!” “Mr. Holmes was look strange tonight, he bent above the toilet bowl and cried out: “Wa-a-a-atson! Wa-a-a-atson!” ----------- Mrs. Hudson was taken ill. Doctor Watson asks her to show to him the tongue. "You see the medicine has taken a big step forward!" "What do you mean?" "During your youth, Mrs. Hudson, Doctors asked you to get undressed. At present, you only have to show your tongue". ----------- Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson have filled hound of Baskrvilles with petrol. Hound covers some distance and crashed down. "What is happened, Holmes?" "Elementary, Watson! Petrol ran out". ----------- Watson walks on the footpath in the middle of the moors. Suddenly he sees that hound of Baskervilles run to meet him. "Bravo, Holmes!" Watson joyfully exclaims. "I always was amazed at your talents to be transformed and disguised. ----------- Doctor Watson ran into debt for his room to Mrs. Hudson, borrowed much money from Holmes and disappeared suddenly. Lonely and melancholy Sherlock Holmes has lunch and complains to Mrs. Hudson, who has take away the plate: "At last time, I don't like him..." "If you don't like him... Don't eat!" ----------------------------------------------- Эти и другие переводы анекдотов можно найти здесь, в моём ЖЖ: http://alek-morse.livejournal.com точнее: http://alek-morse.livejournal.com/tag/anecdotes

Sam: Вот анекдот не про Холмса (и не мой ) - Two tickets to Dublin. - Куда, блин? - To Dublin.

Dutchman: Прошу меня извинить за небольшую brutality, ну очень хочеццо вставить оттенок американского юмора - анекдот который в ходу там ( я поменял лишь героев): Holmes and Watson came up to the door of their living, being drunk as a fiddlers. They couldn`t find the key to open the door. They were fumbling about in the pockets for the key by making a lot of noise. This was heard by mrs Hudson. She peeped out of window above and cried out in resentment: Gentlemen! Don`t you have the key? H & W: yeah, we have it! Send us down your fuckin` key-hole!

LaBishop: Dutchman пишет: H & W: yeah, we have it! Send us down your fuckin` key-hole! I wonder what's the english word for 'баян'?

maut: LaBishop пишет: I wonder what's the english word for 'баян'? accordion

Dutchman: LaBishop пишет: I wonder what's the english word for 'баян'? Hell catch you talking cleverly! More than half of Holmes anecdotes is for the most part: 'баян' !

erno: In English "боян" AKA "old stupid joke" is wheeze or stale joke.

LaBishop: erno пишет: Hell catch you talking cleverly! More than half of Holmes anecdotes is for the most part: 'баян' ! You're right, of course. Visitors of this forum, however, are pretty whimsical . They do prefer original works. Just don't take offence, OK?

LaBishop: erno пишет: In English "боян" AKA "old stupid joke" is wheeze or stale joke. Multitran.ru rules, I'm impressed!

Dutchman: LaBishop пишет: Just don't take offence, OK? Never Sir! Since my quick-wittedned leaves to be desired the best, that was the only thing i could add up.

Алек-Morse: Итак, новая порция переводов Sam'овских анекдотов. И снова - перевод мой, поправлено, одобрено и осмеяно (в хорошем смысле слова) носителями языка. Вот: “Hello! Is it the LenFilm studio?” “Yes, it is”. “Do you need for the consultant for shooting of “The Engineer’s Thumb?” “Yes, we do. Are you the specialist in hydraulic press?” “To be honest, I get by without the press”. When Lady Hucksley has shot Milverton, she slipped on the cartridge-case and fell down on the table, then got dirty with bloody stains and left the clear finger-prints. She took out the handkerchief decorated by your initials, wiped own hand and then hurriedly moved away, be dropped the pistol and be forgotten the handkerchief on the table. Behind the curtain, Holmes delightedly whispers Watson: “A Lady! A true lady in everything she does!” Both Holmes and Watson come in the cosy sitting-room of The Diogenes Club. A several gentlemen silently are reading The Times. One from them is in the gas-mask. Cached Watson’s perplexed view, Holmes whispers: “Only here nobody pesters to Mycroft with silly questions…” Sherlock Holmes puts on his overcoat. “Watson, don’t forget your army revolver!” “Is it dangerous case?” “Watson! Do you think a revolver is a toy?!” Mrs. Hudson’s voice: “By the way, Mr. Holmes, I always say the same you!” In that sad day, Holmes was forced to shot more than usually: he did the funeral frame around V.R. “Barrymore! Why do you shine a torch in the window?” “Sir… I... I'm scaring off the Hound of the Baskervilles”. “Are dogs really afraid of light?” “No, they aren't, sir. They can't stand kerosene”. “But you are just holding a candle, not a kerosene lamp”. “Well, the hound can't tell from this far away, sir”. Sir Henry takes a participation in the round-the world voyage. “Barrymore! Porridge again?! Is at a lunch-time?!” “Now a breakfast time is, sir”. “ Why?! What is compliance in?!” “It’s in compliance Greenwich, sir!” “Watson, can you imagine? There is no murder in London during this week!” “Holmes, you are reading the last year’s The Times!” “Ha! Do you really suppose that the today’s newspaper is better?” Mrs. Watson: “John, what is “emancipation”?” “Oh, you see, Mary… But whom did you hear it from?” “From Mr. Holmes…” “Holmes! Tell me, please, whom did YOU hear it from?” “From Irene Adler…” “Hmm… Mary, obviously, it’s an operatic term”. The next joke is the gift by Sam to me – I live in Ural… Sherlock Holmes presented to Watson the beautiful statuette of Kasli’s cast as a Birthday gift. “Thank you, Watson! Interesting, where they do such beautiful things?” “In Ural…” “Where is?” “It’s location where Europe ends”. “Oh… Probably, is it very far from us?” “Decently… When we have midday’s launch, they have five o’clock”. “Hmm… Watson… Perhaps, your Copernicus is right…” “James! What are the dancing men?” “It’s unicode, sir!” --------------------------------------------- Как всегда любопытна реакция наших иностранных братьев-шерлокианцев: Сначала ЖЖ-блоггерша Элина из Финдляндии (кстати, очень любит рисовать нашего Соломина-Ватсона и выкладывает картинки в и-нете) похвалила анекдот про статуэтку каслинского литья. Видно, она тоже понимает - как далек Шерлок Холмс от народа (в смысле расстояния). Потом ЖЖ-блоггерша gaslitlondon из США особо отметила анекдоты: про револьвер, который не игрушка, про то, что собака Баскервилей не выносит керосина и про эмансипацию. Кстати, gaslitlondon поправила грамматику и стилистику анекдотов (совсем немного). Самое странное - из анекдота про прошлогоднюю "Таймс" она выбросила первую строку: "Ватсон, вы представляете? Ни одного трупа на этой неделе!" Я с предложенной поправкой не согласился... И, наконец, представителю туманного альбиона ЖЖ-блоггеру/рше (?) Wolfie_Sara запал в душу анекдот про револьвер и еще кадр из фильма с Майкрофтом в противогазе (я иллюстрировал подборку кадрами из нашего сериала). Посмотреть всё это дело можно, как всегда, в моём ЖЖ: http://alek-morse.livejournal.com/tag/anecdotes в англоязычном ЖЖ-сообществе, посвященном Шерлоку Холмсу: http://community.livejournal.com/221b_bakerst/330867.html на англоязычном форуме Holmesian.net http://www.holmesian.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=810&st=180

erno: Алек-Morse пишет: Сначала ЖЖ-блоггерша Элина из Финдляндии (кстати, очень любит рисовать нашего Соломина-Ватсона и выкладывает картинки в и-нете) похвалила анекдот про статуэтку каслинского литья. Видно, она тоже понимает - как далек Шерлок Холмс от народа (в смысле расстояния). Алек-Morse, вы общаетесь с самой Элиной? Здорово.

Алек-Morse: erno пишет: Алек-Morse, вы общаетесь с самой Элиной? Здорово. ...время от времени комментируем друг друга в ЖЖ и на форумах Вы тоже знакомы? Вот, кстати, профиль её Живого Журнала. В её ЖЖ выложены фан-арт на тему Холмса, но посмотреть можно только будучи зафрендованым: http://elina-elsu.livejournal.com/profile

ofcka: erno пишет: Алек-Morse, вы общаетесь с самой Элиной? Для непонятливых как я... Это кто?

Алек-Morse: ofcka пишет: Для непонятливых как я... Скрытый текст Это кто? - По-моему, на это раз ничего сверхъестественного... - Какая история, господа? По-моему, вы что-то скрываете от меня. (с) Я знаю только то, что узнал из и-нета. Элина Элсу (если её так зовут) раньше именовалась Элиной Кивимяки (если всё это правда), очень интересный и своеобразный художник, живет в Финдляндии. Живет в Нокиа (не в мобильном телефоне, а в населенном пункте). Интересуется Шерлоком Холмсом. Наш фильм - её любимый. Остальное можно методом дедукции (хотя иногда и индукции) высчитать, посмотреть, распознать в и-нете... Кстати, очень своеобразный художник. Такие острохарактерные рисунки, как правило, в жанре комиксов, карикатуры... не знаю, как подобрать точное определнение. В общем, очень по-скандинавски: необычно, острохарактерно, "сносит крышу"...

Sam: Алек-Morse пишет: Самое странное - из анекдота про прошлогоднюю "Таймс" она выбросила первую строку: "Ватсон, вы представляете? Ни одного трупа на этой неделе!" Я с предложенной поправкой не согласился... Смысл, конечно, при этом совсем изменился, но всё равно забавно.

Sam: Алек-Morse пишет: Sherlock Holmes presented to Watson the beautiful statuette Я не очень знаю английский, но вроде бы тут должно быть наоборот: Watson presented to Holmes?

Алек-Morse: Sam пишет: но вроде бы тут должно быть наоборот Точно. А мужики-то (в смысле джентльмены) и не знают... На самом деле всё было так: Watson presented to Sherlock Holmes the beautiful statuette of Kasli’s cast as a Birthday gift. “Thank you, Watson! Interesting, where they do such beautiful things?” “In Ural…” “Where is?” “It’s location where Europe ends”. “Oh… Probably, is it very far from us?” “Decently… When we have midday’s launch, they have five o’clock”. “Hmm… Watson… Perhaps, your Copernicus is right…” Будем считать, что несмотря на недоразумение, все прочли "правильно"

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